Happy New Year from the whole team!

While 2021 is still in its “stub” stage, the entire Wikimedia Canada team wishes you all a Happy New Year. Perhaps 2021 will be a featured year.
One thing is certain: the quality people who contribute to 2021, just as they do to the Wikimedia projects, ensure that there are greater chances of going from a stub year to a featured year. I therefore propose to make 2021 a featured year by inviting the whole community to positively contribute to it. Together, let’s do our best to get closer to the perfect year.
From Wikimedia Canada’s team, wishing you all a healty and happy new year!
Lëa-Kim Châteauneuf, President
Credit images :
Montreal Clock Tower, Fireworks, Michael Vesia / CC BY-SA
Souhaits WMCA, Lëa-Kim Châteauneuf / CC BY-SA
Montreal Clock Tower, Fireworks, Michael Vesia / CC BY-SA
Souhaits WMCA, Lëa-Kim Châteauneuf / CC BY-SA